Pay close attention! Different types of courses (travel, internships, etc.) may have different registration deadlines and processes.
If you have any questions, please contact the instructor directly as soon as possible.
AMST 19(W) SEM Unfixing Masks, Upending Masquerades: Writing into the Waters of Melville's Benito Cereno
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsANSO 10(W) SEM Urban Inequality, Policing, and Struggles for Racial Justice
Taught by: Peter Kent-Stoll
Catalog detailsANSO 15(W) SEM "It's a love story, baby, just say yes": Media, messages, and healthy relationships
Taught by: Meg Bossong
Catalog detailsANSO 18(W) SEM Writing Your Self in Research: An Introduction to Performance Autoethnography
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARAB 14(W) STU Empowered Embodiment: An Introduction to Movement Improvisation
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARAB 16(W) LEC The Art of Writing: Introduction to Arabic and Japanese Calligraphy
Taught by: Eriko Okamoto
Catalog detailsARAB 88(W) LAB Arabic Sustaining Program
Taught by: Ilhem Issaoui
Catalog detailsARTH 18(W) SEM Archaeological Illustration: Problems in the Representation of Antiquity
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARTH 23(W) SEM Art and Access: Disability Justice as Subject, Material, and Form in Contemporary Art
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARTS 17(W) STU Visible Mending as a Political Act
Taught by: Megan Piontkowski
Catalog detailsARTS 26(W) STU Multifaceted Performance
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARTS 35(W) STU Leaf, Cocoon, Cloth: Silk Painting and Introduction to Natural Dyes
Taught by: Krystal DiFronzo
Catalog detailsARTS 36(W) STU Art and AI: Generative Art Making
Taught by: Debra McGrory
Catalog detailsASTR 16(W) LEC An infinity of worlds: planets and the search for life in the universe
Taught by: Rob Wittenmyer
Catalog detailsASTR 99(W) IND Independent Study: Astronomy or Astrophysics
Taught by: David Tucker-Smith
Catalog detailsBIMO 99(W) IND Independent Study: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Taught by: Pei-Wen Chen
Catalog detailsBIOL 13(W) LEC Intro to Animal Tracking
Taught by: Daniel A Yacobellis, Joan Edwards
Catalog detailsBIOL 23(W) TVL Tropical Ecology: From the Andes to the Amazon basin
Taught by: Manuel Morales
Catalog detailsCCE 11(W) SEM Investing in a Real Fund
Taught by: David Pesikoff, Robin Meyer
Catalog detailsCCE 13(W) LEC INFLUENCE®, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship: An Intensive Ventureship
Taught by: Ashesh Shah
Catalog detailsCCE 14(W) LEC The Business of Healthcare (Beyond the Doctor's Office)
Taught by: Sarah Elisabeth Rowe
Catalog detailsCCE 19(W) SEM Healthcare Shadowing
Taught by: Sharon Gonzales
Catalog detailsCCE 30(W) STU EMT Training
Taught by: Sharon Gonzales
Catalog detailsCCE 35(W) LEC Deconstructing Finance: An Introduction
Taught by: Henry Chafee Lee
Catalog detailsCCE 42(W) LEC Exploring Careers
Taught by: Janine Oliver, Dale Osef
Catalog detailsCCE 58(W) LEC Careers & Impact in Healthcare: Voices from Beyond the Purple Valley
Taught by: Sarah Weber
Catalog detailsCHEM 12(W) STU The Practice and Processes of Making Pottery
Taught by: Timothy Duncan
Catalog detailsCHEM 18(W) RSC Introduction to Research in Biochemistry
Taught by: Bob Rawle, Amy Gehring
Catalog detailsCHEM 24(W) RSC Introduction to Research in Physical Chemistry
Taught by: Enrique Peacock-López
Catalog detailsCHIN 88(W) LAB Chinese Sustaining Program
Taught by: Yen-Yu Lin, Xuechan Dai, Lina Law
Catalog detailsCLAS 11(W) STU Fundamentals of Baking
Taught by: Caleb Wolfson-Seeley
Catalog detailsCLAS 13(W) STU Advanced Techniques in Baking
Taught by: Caleb Wolfson-Seeley
Catalog detailsCLAS 24(W) SEM Re/Constitution: A Collaborative Project in Constitution-Making and Amending
Taught by: Christopher M. B. Nugent, Edan Dekel, Jamelle Bouie
Catalog detailsCLIA 11(W) LEC Teaching 3rd Grade about Zebrafish - BioEYES
Taught by: Renee Schiek, Martha Marvin
Catalog detailsCLIA 12(W) LEC "Be"ing Whole; integrating mindfulness through movement, art, nature, and creativity
Taught by: Amy Sosne
Catalog detailsCLIA 13(W) LEC Depictions and Portrayals of Minoritized Identities in Picture Books
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsCLIA 14(W) SEM Food Justice and the Righteous Entrepreneur
Taught by: Mike Curtin
Catalog detailsCLIA 24(W) SEM Class of 1959 TeachNYC Urban Education Program
Taught by: Tracy Finnegan
Catalog detailsCOMP 13(W) LEC On Stupidity
Taught by: Mercer M. W. Greenwald, Jemma Paek
Catalog detailsCOMP 99(W) IND Independent Study: Comparative Literature
Taught by: Christopher Bolton
Catalog detailsCSCI 10(W) LEC Unix and Software Tools
Taught by: Lida Doret
Catalog detailsCSCI 13(W) SEM User Experience Design: Designing for People
Taught by: Rich Cohen
Catalog detailsCSCI 16(W) SEM Introduction to the Computer Science Research Process
Taught by: Kelly Shaw
Catalog detailsCSCI 17(W) LEC Fiber Arts for All
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsCSCI 18(W) LEC The Evolution of Magic: The Gathering - Deck Archetypes and Strategies from 1993 to Today
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsCSCI 19(W) LEC Law, Cybersecurity, and Society
Taught by: Rich Ward, John Massaro
Catalog detailsDANC 10(W) STU Taiji Flow: Connecting to Nature and Self Through Meditative Movement
Taught by: Deborah Ourah
Catalog detailsECON 15(W) SEM Introduction to Management Consulting
Taught by: Peter McKelvey
Catalog detailsECON 22(W) LEC Volunteer Income Tax Assistant
Taught by: Matthew Chao, Aimee Kathleen Reische
Catalog detailsECON 23(W) SEM Investing With Purpose: The planning and practice of endowment investing
Taught by: Morgan Kochard
Catalog detailsECON 24(W) LEC The Economics, Geography and Appreciation of Wine
Taught by: Peter Pedroni
Catalog detailsECON 28(W) SEM Product Management and Solution Design
Taught by: Allan Wellenstein
Catalog detailsECON 33(W) LEC Climate and Energy Finance
Taught by: Kaitlin Butler
Catalog detailsECON 36(W) SEM The Liberal Arts in Investing
Taught by: Jack Bissell
Catalog detailsECON 37(W) SEM Storytelling in Business
Taught by: Laurence Birdsey
Catalog detailsECON 38(W) SEM Case Studies: How the Internet Created a Cultural and Business Revolution
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsECON 51 / ECON 29(W) LEC Infrastructure Policy in Developing Countries
Taught by: Bernard Sheahan
Catalog detailsECON 52 / ECON 26(W) LEC Micro-Simulation Modeling for Ex Ante Policy Analysis
Taught by: Michael Samson
Catalog detailsECON 55(W) LEC Monetary Policy in Emerging and Developing Economies
Taught by: Kenneth Kuttner
Catalog detailsENGL 19(W) SEM The Personal is Political: A Narrative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Taught by: Julia Munemo
Catalog detailsENGL 24(W) SEM The Craft of Fiction: A Short Story Intensive
Taught by: Sara W Houghteling
Catalog detailsENGL 25(W) STU Artists' and Writers' Notebooks
Taught by: Lara Lee Meintjes
Catalog detailsENGL 34(W) SEM The Name is Bond, James Bond: Ian Fleming's Creation, Entertainment, and the Legacies of Empires
Taught by: Alexandar Mihailovic
Catalog detailsENGL 35(W) SEM Alternative Literatures
Taught by: Nick Greer
Catalog detailsENVI 14(W) SEM Environmental Law and Policy
Taught by: Korinna Garfield
Catalog detailsENVI 24(W) SEM Farming New England: A Deep Dive Into the Regional Food System
Taught by: Sarah Gardner
Catalog detailsENVI 31(W) HON Senior Research and Thesis: Environmental Studies
Taught by: Sarah Jacobson
Catalog detailsGEOS 14(W) STU Drawing Science Studio Lab
Taught by: Lauren Rachel Levato Coyne
Catalog detailsGERM 88(W) LAB German Sustaining Program
Taught by: Kare Mayurathan, Michael Meister
Catalog detailsHIST 21(W) SEM Domestic Terrorism: From the Klan, through the Oklahoma City Bombing, to January 6
Taught by: Howard M Shapiro, Amy Jeffress
Catalog detailsHIST 23(W) LEC Maps: Past, Present & Future
Taught by: Tom Paper
Catalog detailsHIST 29(W) LEC Gallery to Garment: Exploring Costume History in Museums & Beyond
Taught by: Nicola MacEwen
Catalog detailsJAPN 11(W) SEM Introduction to Sake: The Art and Science of Japanese Rice Wine
Taught by: Masashi Harada
Catalog detailsJAPN 25(W) TVL Exploring Kyoto Culture: Exploring 1200 years of Kyoto's Cultural History
Taught by: Shinko Kagaya
Catalog detailsJAPN 88(W) LAB Japanese Sustaining Program
Taught by: Yumemi Hanaki, Masashi Harada, Shinko Kagaya
Catalog detailsLEAD 15(W) LEC Leadership and The Good Life: Your First Decade After Williams
Taught by: Lauren Anstey
Catalog detailsLEAD 16(W) SEM Effective Oral Persuasion
Taught by: David Olson, Stephen Brown, Robert Alexander Schwed
Catalog detailsLEAD 17(W) SEM Mindful Leadership: what do we need now?
Taught by: Jamie Hunt
Catalog detailsLEAD 18(W) LEC Wilderness Emergency Medicine - Wilderness First Responder Certification
Taught by: Ben Oliver
Catalog detailsMATH 12(W) LEC The Mathematics of LEGO and Outreach Activities
Taught by: Steven Miller
Catalog detailsMATH 14(W) LEC Flow Yoga
Taught by: Sylvia Logan
Catalog detailsMATH 22(W) SEM Stoppard and Go: Interpretation and Scenework for Three of Tom Stoppard's Plays
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMATH 49(W) SEM Life with Dogs
Taught by: Allison Pacelli, Kayla Frances Servin
Catalog detailsMUS 11(W) STU I/O Festival of New Music
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 19(W) STU Williams Opera Workshop
Taught by: Paul La Rosa, Erin Casey
Catalog detailsMUS 23(W) SEM Gaming Renaissance Europe: Music and Culture in the Illustrated World of Pentiment
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 24(W) LEC How to Grow a Band: Collaborative Writing and Performance with Darlingside
Taught by: Auyon Mukharji, Don Mitchell, Harris Paseltiner
Catalog detailsMUS 26(W) TVL Songwriting in Nashville
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 27(W) LEC Introduction to Middle Eastern Hand Drumming
Taught by: Rami El-Aasser
Catalog detailsMUS 28(W) TVL The Oxford Evensong Experience
Taught by: Anna Lenti, Tim Pyper
Catalog detailsMUS 50(W) LEC Musicianship and Wellness
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsNSCI 10(W) SEM Neuroscience of Learning
Taught by: Judy Willis, Paul Sullivan Willis
Catalog detailsPHIL 100(W) SEM Intensive: History of Modern Moral and Political Philosophy
Taught by: Justin Shaddock
Catalog detailsPHIL 12(W) STU Yoga: Meditation in Action
Taught by: Anne O'Connor
Catalog detailsPHIL 15(W) LEC Automata to AI: Ancient Ethical Assumptions Implicit in Our Current Attitudes toward genAI
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPHIL 16(W) LEC Thomas Aquinas and the Summa Theologiae
Taught by: Marco Stango
Catalog detailsPHIL 42(W) SEM Intensive: History of Modern Moral and Political Philosophy
Taught by: Justin Shaddock
Catalog detailsPHLH 16(W) LEC Addiction Studies & Diagnostics
Taught by: Rick Berger
Catalog detailsPHLH 23(W) LEC Navigating Ethical Challenges in Medical School and Beyond: Practical and Philosophical Issues
Taught by: Julie Pedroni
Catalog detailsPHYS 12(W) STU Drawing as a Learnable Skill
Taught by: Stella Ehrich
Catalog detailsPOEC 10(W) SEM Key Trends in US Industrial Reshoring: Economics, Regulations and Capital Markets
Taught by: Bill Sprague
Catalog detailsPSCI 15(W) LEC Climate Art & Activism
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPSCI 21(W) INT Fieldwork in Public Affairs and Private Non-Profits
Taught by: Galen E Jackson, Paula Consolini
Catalog detailsPSCI 22(W) STU LIFT: Learning Intervention for Teens
Taught by: Cheryl Shanks, Paula Consolini
Catalog detailsPSCI 23(W) LEC The Practice of Politics
Taught by: Joseph Markley
Catalog detailsPSCI 34(W) STU Jedi Training - Ethical Martial Arts for Scholar Athletes
Taught by: Robert Hormann Kent
Catalog detailsPSCI 99(W) IND Independent Study: Political Science
Taught by: Nicole Mellow, Cheryl Shanks
Catalog detailsPSYC 10(W) STU Yoga, Creativity & Mindfulness
Taught by: Mary Edgerton
Catalog detailsPSYC 23(W) SEM What Comes Next? Critical Approaches to Life After College
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPSYC 25(W) SEM Exploring K-12 Education in the Berkshires
Taught by: Sarah Brill, Kaatje White
Catalog detailsPSYC 26(W) SEM Charter Schools: Designing Innovative Public School Models to Meet Community Needs
Taught by: Simeon Stolzberg
Catalog detailsPSYC 28(W) SEM From "sketchy" to "abusive": Current research on harmful sexual behavior in college students
Taught by: Meg Bossong
Catalog detailsREL 11(W) STU Explorations in Embodied Consciousness through Yoga and Meditation
Taught by: Natasha Judson
Catalog detailsRLFR 88(W) LAB French Sustaining Program
Taught by: Chloe Perianayagom, Noria Ben Ali
Catalog detailsRLSP 88(W) LAB Spanish Sustaining Program
Taught by: Emiliano Rivadeneira, Milton Rodrigo Brazeiro Minguta, Ricardo Picazo I Iniesta
Catalog detailsRUSS 25(W) TVL Williams in Georgia
Taught by: Peter Orte, Jeni Legg
Catalog detailsRUSS 88(W) LAB Russian Sustaining Program
Taught by: Ilana Yesehin
Catalog detailsSTAT 11(W) LEC Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Network Data
Taught by: Xizhen Cai
Catalog detailsSTS 99(W) IND Independent Study: Science and Technology Studies
Taught by: Jason Josephson Storm
Catalog detailsTHEA 14(W) STU Intro to Storytelling
Taught by: Hari Stephen Kumar
Catalog detailsTHEA 22(W) STU A Filmmaker's Workshop
Taught by: Jessica Hecht
Catalog detailsTHEA 24(W) SEM Fashioning Film
Taught by: Anne Kennedy, Terese Wadden
Catalog detailsTHEA 27(W) STU Performance with Purpose: Introduction to Applied Theatre
Taught by: Sarah Keyes
Catalog detailsWGSS 11(W) LEC Becoming an Informed Peer: Taking action on peer prevention, education, and facilitation to build a
Taught by: Laini Sporbert, Riley Kavanagh
Catalog detailsWGSS 17(W) LEC When Drag Kings Sang the Blues: The Surprisingly Queer History of America's First Pop Stars
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsWGSS 99(W) IND Independent Study:Women's and Gender Studies
Taught by: Gregory Mitchell
Catalog detailsWSP 12(W) STU Yoga for Athletes
Taught by: Mary Edgerton
Catalog detailsWSP 13(W) SEM To Offset or Not to Offset? Carbon Credits and Emissions Reductions at Williams College
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsWSP 14(W) LEC History of America's Pastime, Baseball
Taught by: John O'Keefe
Catalog detailsWSP 15(W) STU Bronze Casting
Taught by: Samantha Pasapane
Catalog detailsWSP 32(W) SEM Making a Better Next Semester: Developing Your Academic Toolkit
Taught by: Nick Hanford
Catalog detailsWSP 41(W) STU Knitting for Mindfulness (Beginner)
Taught by: Ashley Weeks Cart
Catalog detailsWSP 43(W) STU Knitting for Mindfulness (Advanced)
Taught by: Ashley Weeks Cart
Catalog detailsWSP 51(W) LEC The Arts in Prewar Paris
Taught by: Nathan Cornelius
Catalog detailsWSP 55(W) SEM Home Economics: Living on your own
Taught by: Whit Montgomery-Nassif
Catalog detailsWSP 56(W) STU Thrive: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Music - Unlocking your full potential
Taught by: Ingrid Charlotte Samson
Catalog details
ANSO 10(W) SEM Urban Inequality, Policing, and Struggles for Racial Justice
Taught by: Peter Kent-Stoll
Catalog detailsANSO 18(W) SEM Writing Your Self in Research: An Introduction to Performance Autoethnography
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARAB 16(W) LEC The Art of Writing: Introduction to Arabic and Japanese Calligraphy
Taught by: Eriko Okamoto
Catalog detailsARTS 17(W) STU Visible Mending as a Political Act
Taught by: Megan Piontkowski
Catalog detailsARTS 26(W) STU Multifaceted Performance
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARTS 35(W) STU Leaf, Cocoon, Cloth: Silk Painting and Introduction to Natural Dyes
Taught by: Krystal DiFronzo
Catalog detailsARTS 36(W) STU Art and AI: Generative Art Making
Taught by: Debra McGrory
Catalog detailsBIOL 13(W) LEC Intro to Animal Tracking
Taught by: Daniel A Yacobellis, Joan Edwards
Catalog detailsCCE 11(W) SEM Investing in a Real Fund
Taught by: David Pesikoff, Robin Meyer
Catalog detailsCCE 13(W) LEC INFLUENCE®, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship: An Intensive Ventureship
Taught by: Ashesh Shah
Catalog detailsCCE 19(W) SEM Healthcare Shadowing
Taught by: Sharon Gonzales
Catalog detailsCCE 30(W) STU EMT Training
Taught by: Sharon Gonzales
Catalog detailsCHEM 12(W) STU The Practice and Processes of Making Pottery
Taught by: Timothy Duncan
Catalog detailsCHEM 18(W) RSC Introduction to Research in Biochemistry
Taught by: Bob Rawle, Amy Gehring
Catalog detailsCHEM 24(W) RSC Introduction to Research in Physical Chemistry
Taught by: Enrique Peacock-López
Catalog detailsCLAS 11(W) STU Fundamentals of Baking
Taught by: Caleb Wolfson-Seeley
Catalog detailsCLAS 13(W) STU Advanced Techniques in Baking
Taught by: Caleb Wolfson-Seeley
Catalog detailsCLAS 24(W) SEM Re/Constitution: A Collaborative Project in Constitution-Making and Amending
Taught by: Christopher M. B. Nugent, Edan Dekel, Jamelle Bouie
Catalog detailsCLIA 11(W) LEC Teaching 3rd Grade about Zebrafish - BioEYES
Taught by: Renee Schiek, Martha Marvin
Catalog detailsCLIA 12(W) LEC "Be"ing Whole; integrating mindfulness through movement, art, nature, and creativity
Taught by: Amy Sosne
Catalog detailsCLIA 13(W) LEC Depictions and Portrayals of Minoritized Identities in Picture Books
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsCLIA 24(W) SEM Class of 1959 TeachNYC Urban Education Program
Taught by: Tracy Finnegan
Catalog detailsCSCI 10(W) LEC Unix and Software Tools
Taught by: Lida Doret
Catalog detailsCSCI 13(W) SEM User Experience Design: Designing for People
Taught by: Rich Cohen
Catalog detailsCSCI 16(W) SEM Introduction to the Computer Science Research Process
Taught by: Kelly Shaw
Catalog detailsCSCI 19(W) LEC Law, Cybersecurity, and Society
Taught by: Rich Ward, John Massaro
Catalog detailsECON 22(W) LEC Volunteer Income Tax Assistant
Taught by: Matthew Chao, Aimee Kathleen Reische
Catalog detailsECON 24(W) LEC The Economics, Geography and Appreciation of Wine
Taught by: Peter Pedroni
Catalog detailsECON 28(W) SEM Product Management and Solution Design
Taught by: Allan Wellenstein
Catalog detailsECON 33(W) LEC Climate and Energy Finance
Taught by: Kaitlin Butler
Catalog detailsECON 38(W) SEM Case Studies: How the Internet Created a Cultural and Business Revolution
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsECON 52 / ECON 26(W) LEC Micro-Simulation Modeling for Ex Ante Policy Analysis
Taught by: Michael Samson
Catalog detailsECON 55(W) LEC Monetary Policy in Emerging and Developing Economies
Taught by: Kenneth Kuttner
Catalog detailsENGL 19(W) SEM The Personal is Political: A Narrative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Taught by: Julia Munemo
Catalog detailsENGL 24(W) SEM The Craft of Fiction: A Short Story Intensive
Taught by: Sara W Houghteling
Catalog detailsENGL 25(W) STU Artists' and Writers' Notebooks
Taught by: Lara Lee Meintjes
Catalog detailsENGL 34(W) SEM The Name is Bond, James Bond: Ian Fleming's Creation, Entertainment, and the Legacies of Empires
Taught by: Alexandar Mihailovic
Catalog detailsENGL 35(W) SEM Alternative Literatures
Taught by: Nick Greer
Catalog detailsENVI 14(W) SEM Environmental Law and Policy
Taught by: Korinna Garfield
Catalog detailsENVI 24(W) SEM Farming New England: A Deep Dive Into the Regional Food System
Taught by: Sarah Gardner
Catalog detailsGEOS 14(W) STU Drawing Science Studio Lab
Taught by: Lauren Rachel Levato Coyne
Catalog detailsHIST 23(W) LEC Maps: Past, Present & Future
Taught by: Tom Paper
Catalog detailsHIST 29(W) LEC Gallery to Garment: Exploring Costume History in Museums & Beyond
Taught by: Nicola MacEwen
Catalog detailsLEAD 16(W) SEM Effective Oral Persuasion
Taught by: David Olson, Stephen Brown, Robert Alexander Schwed
Catalog detailsLEAD 17(W) SEM Mindful Leadership: what do we need now?
Taught by: Jamie Hunt
Catalog detailsLEAD 18(W) LEC Wilderness Emergency Medicine - Wilderness First Responder Certification
Taught by: Ben Oliver
Catalog detailsMATH 12(W) LEC The Mathematics of LEGO and Outreach Activities
Taught by: Steven Miller
Catalog detailsMATH 22(W) SEM Stoppard and Go: Interpretation and Scenework for Three of Tom Stoppard's Plays
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 11(W) STU I/O Festival of New Music
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 19(W) STU Williams Opera Workshop
Taught by: Paul La Rosa, Erin Casey
Catalog detailsMUS 24(W) LEC How to Grow a Band: Collaborative Writing and Performance with Darlingside
Taught by: Auyon Mukharji, Don Mitchell, Harris Paseltiner
Catalog detailsMUS 26(W) TVL Songwriting in Nashville
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 27(W) LEC Introduction to Middle Eastern Hand Drumming
Taught by: Rami El-Aasser
Catalog detailsPHIL 12(W) STU Yoga: Meditation in Action
Taught by: Anne O'Connor
Catalog detailsPHIL 15(W) LEC Automata to AI: Ancient Ethical Assumptions Implicit in Our Current Attitudes toward genAI
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPHYS 12(W) STU Drawing as a Learnable Skill
Taught by: Stella Ehrich
Catalog detailsPSCI 21(W) INT Fieldwork in Public Affairs and Private Non-Profits
Taught by: Galen E Jackson, Paula Consolini
Catalog detailsPSCI 22(W) STU LIFT: Learning Intervention for Teens
Taught by: Cheryl Shanks, Paula Consolini
Catalog detailsPSCI 34(W) STU Jedi Training - Ethical Martial Arts for Scholar Athletes
Taught by: Robert Hormann Kent
Catalog detailsPSYC 25(W) SEM Exploring K-12 Education in the Berkshires
Taught by: Sarah Brill, Kaatje White
Catalog detailsPSYC 26(W) SEM Charter Schools: Designing Innovative Public School Models to Meet Community Needs
Taught by: Simeon Stolzberg
Catalog detailsPSYC 28(W) SEM From "sketchy" to "abusive": Current research on harmful sexual behavior in college students
Taught by: Meg Bossong
Catalog detailsREL 11(W) STU Explorations in Embodied Consciousness through Yoga and Meditation
Taught by: Natasha Judson
Catalog detailsTHEA 14(W) STU Intro to Storytelling
Taught by: Hari Stephen Kumar
Catalog detailsTHEA 22(W) STU A Filmmaker's Workshop
Taught by: Jessica Hecht
Catalog detailsTHEA 24(W) SEM Fashioning Film
Taught by: Anne Kennedy, Terese Wadden
Catalog detailsTHEA 27(W) STU Performance with Purpose: Introduction to Applied Theatre
Taught by: Sarah Keyes
Catalog detailsWSP 13(W) SEM To Offset or Not to Offset? Carbon Credits and Emissions Reductions at Williams College
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsWSP 14(W) LEC History of America's Pastime, Baseball
Taught by: John O'Keefe
Catalog detailsWSP 15(W) STU Bronze Casting
Taught by: Samantha Pasapane
Catalog detailsWSP 32(W) SEM Making a Better Next Semester: Developing Your Academic Toolkit
Taught by: Nick Hanford
Catalog detailsWSP 41(W) STU Knitting for Mindfulness (Beginner)
Taught by: Ashley Weeks Cart
Catalog detailsWSP 43(W) STU Knitting for Mindfulness (Advanced)
Taught by: Ashley Weeks Cart
Catalog detailsWSP 51(W) LEC The Arts in Prewar Paris
Taught by: Nathan Cornelius
Catalog detailsWSP 55(W) SEM Home Economics: Living on your own
Taught by: Whit Montgomery-Nassif
Catalog detailsWSP 56(W) STU Thrive: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Music - Unlocking your full potential
Taught by: Ingrid Charlotte Samson
Catalog details
AMST 19(W) SEM Unfixing Masks, Upending Masquerades: Writing into the Waters of Melville's Benito Cereno
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsANSO 10(W) SEM Urban Inequality, Policing, and Struggles for Racial Justice
Taught by: Peter Kent-Stoll
Catalog detailsANSO 15(W) SEM "It's a love story, baby, just say yes": Media, messages, and healthy relationships
Taught by: Meg Bossong
Catalog detailsANSO 18(W) SEM Writing Your Self in Research: An Introduction to Performance Autoethnography
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARTH 23(W) SEM Art and Access: Disability Justice as Subject, Material, and Form in Contemporary Art
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsASTR 16(W) LEC An infinity of worlds: planets and the search for life in the universe
Taught by: Rob Wittenmyer
Catalog detailsBIOL 13(W) LEC Intro to Animal Tracking
Taught by: Daniel A Yacobellis, Joan Edwards
Catalog detailsCCE 11(W) SEM Investing in a Real Fund
Taught by: David Pesikoff, Robin Meyer
Catalog detailsCCE 13(W) LEC INFLUENCE®, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship: An Intensive Ventureship
Taught by: Ashesh Shah
Catalog detailsCCE 14(W) LEC The Business of Healthcare (Beyond the Doctor's Office)
Taught by: Sarah Elisabeth Rowe
Catalog detailsCCE 19(W) SEM Healthcare Shadowing
Taught by: Sharon Gonzales
Catalog detailsCCE 30(W) STU EMT Training
Taught by: Sharon Gonzales
Catalog detailsCCE 35(W) LEC Deconstructing Finance: An Introduction
Taught by: Henry Chafee Lee
Catalog detailsCCE 42(W) LEC Exploring Careers
Taught by: Janine Oliver, Dale Osef
Catalog detailsCCE 58(W) LEC Careers & Impact in Healthcare: Voices from Beyond the Purple Valley
Taught by: Sarah Weber
Catalog detailsCHEM 18(W) RSC Introduction to Research in Biochemistry
Taught by: Bob Rawle, Amy Gehring
Catalog detailsCHEM 24(W) RSC Introduction to Research in Physical Chemistry
Taught by: Enrique Peacock-López
Catalog detailsCLAS 24(W) SEM Re/Constitution: A Collaborative Project in Constitution-Making and Amending
Taught by: Christopher M. B. Nugent, Edan Dekel, Jamelle Bouie
Catalog detailsCLIA 11(W) LEC Teaching 3rd Grade about Zebrafish - BioEYES
Taught by: Renee Schiek, Martha Marvin
Catalog detailsCLIA 13(W) LEC Depictions and Portrayals of Minoritized Identities in Picture Books
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsCLIA 14(W) SEM Food Justice and the Righteous Entrepreneur
Taught by: Mike Curtin
Catalog detailsCLIA 24(W) SEM Class of 1959 TeachNYC Urban Education Program
Taught by: Tracy Finnegan
Catalog detailsCOMP 13(W) LEC On Stupidity
Taught by: Mercer M. W. Greenwald, Jemma Paek
Catalog detailsCSCI 10(W) LEC Unix and Software Tools
Taught by: Lida Doret
Catalog detailsCSCI 13(W) SEM User Experience Design: Designing for People
Taught by: Rich Cohen
Catalog detailsCSCI 18(W) LEC The Evolution of Magic: The Gathering - Deck Archetypes and Strategies from 1993 to Today
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsCSCI 19(W) LEC Law, Cybersecurity, and Society
Taught by: Rich Ward, John Massaro
Catalog detailsECON 15(W) SEM Introduction to Management Consulting
Taught by: Peter McKelvey
Catalog detailsECON 23(W) SEM Investing With Purpose: The planning and practice of endowment investing
Taught by: Morgan Kochard
Catalog detailsECON 24(W) LEC The Economics, Geography and Appreciation of Wine
Taught by: Peter Pedroni
Catalog detailsECON 28(W) SEM Product Management and Solution Design
Taught by: Allan Wellenstein
Catalog detailsECON 33(W) LEC Climate and Energy Finance
Taught by: Kaitlin Butler
Catalog detailsECON 36(W) SEM The Liberal Arts in Investing
Taught by: Jack Bissell
Catalog detailsECON 37(W) SEM Storytelling in Business
Taught by: Laurence Birdsey
Catalog detailsECON 38(W) SEM Case Studies: How the Internet Created a Cultural and Business Revolution
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsECON 51 / ECON 29(W) LEC Infrastructure Policy in Developing Countries
Taught by: Bernard Sheahan
Catalog detailsECON 52 / ECON 26(W) LEC Micro-Simulation Modeling for Ex Ante Policy Analysis
Taught by: Michael Samson
Catalog detailsENVI 14(W) SEM Environmental Law and Policy
Taught by: Korinna Garfield
Catalog detailsHIST 21(W) SEM Domestic Terrorism: From the Klan, through the Oklahoma City Bombing, to January 6
Taught by: Howard M Shapiro, Amy Jeffress
Catalog detailsHIST 23(W) LEC Maps: Past, Present & Future
Taught by: Tom Paper
Catalog detailsHIST 29(W) LEC Gallery to Garment: Exploring Costume History in Museums & Beyond
Taught by: Nicola MacEwen
Catalog detailsLEAD 15(W) LEC Leadership and The Good Life: Your First Decade After Williams
Taught by: Lauren Anstey
Catalog detailsMUS 11(W) STU I/O Festival of New Music
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsNSCI 10(W) SEM Neuroscience of Learning
Taught by: Judy Willis, Paul Sullivan Willis
Catalog detailsPHIL 15(W) LEC Automata to AI: Ancient Ethical Assumptions Implicit in Our Current Attitudes toward genAI
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPHIL 16(W) LEC Thomas Aquinas and the Summa Theologiae
Taught by: Marco Stango
Catalog detailsPHLH 16(W) LEC Addiction Studies & Diagnostics
Taught by: Rick Berger
Catalog detailsPSCI 15(W) LEC Climate Art & Activism
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPSCI 21(W) INT Fieldwork in Public Affairs and Private Non-Profits
Taught by: Galen E Jackson, Paula Consolini
Catalog detailsPSCI 23(W) LEC The Practice of Politics
Taught by: Joseph Markley
Catalog detailsPSYC 23(W) SEM What Comes Next? Critical Approaches to Life After College
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPSYC 26(W) SEM Charter Schools: Designing Innovative Public School Models to Meet Community Needs
Taught by: Simeon Stolzberg
Catalog detailsPSYC 28(W) SEM From "sketchy" to "abusive": Current research on harmful sexual behavior in college students
Taught by: Meg Bossong
Catalog detailsREL 11(W) STU Explorations in Embodied Consciousness through Yoga and Meditation
Taught by: Natasha Judson
Catalog detailsTHEA 24(W) SEM Fashioning Film
Taught by: Anne Kennedy, Terese Wadden
Catalog detailsWGSS 11(W) LEC Becoming an Informed Peer: Taking action on peer prevention, education, and facilitation to build a
Taught by: Laini Sporbert, Riley Kavanagh
Catalog detailsWGSS 17(W) LEC When Drag Kings Sang the Blues: The Surprisingly Queer History of America's First Pop Stars
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsWSP 13(W) SEM To Offset or Not to Offset? Carbon Credits and Emissions Reductions at Williams College
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsWSP 14(W) LEC History of America's Pastime, Baseball
Taught by: John O'Keefe
Catalog details
AMST 19(W) SEM Unfixing Masks, Upending Masquerades: Writing into the Waters of Melville's Benito Cereno
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARAB 14(W) STU Empowered Embodiment: An Introduction to Movement Improvisation
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARAB 16(W) LEC The Art of Writing: Introduction to Arabic and Japanese Calligraphy
Taught by: Eriko Okamoto
Catalog detailsARTH 23(W) SEM Art and Access: Disability Justice as Subject, Material, and Form in Contemporary Art
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARTS 17(W) STU Visible Mending as a Political Act
Taught by: Megan Piontkowski
Catalog detailsARTS 26(W) STU Multifaceted Performance
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsARTS 35(W) STU Leaf, Cocoon, Cloth: Silk Painting and Introduction to Natural Dyes
Taught by: Krystal DiFronzo
Catalog detailsARTS 36(W) STU Art and AI: Generative Art Making
Taught by: Debra McGrory
Catalog detailsCHEM 12(W) STU The Practice and Processes of Making Pottery
Taught by: Timothy Duncan
Catalog detailsCLAS 11(W) STU Fundamentals of Baking
Taught by: Caleb Wolfson-Seeley
Catalog detailsCLAS 13(W) STU Advanced Techniques in Baking
Taught by: Caleb Wolfson-Seeley
Catalog detailsCOMP 13(W) LEC On Stupidity
Taught by: Mercer M. W. Greenwald, Jemma Paek
Catalog detailsCSCI 18(W) LEC The Evolution of Magic: The Gathering - Deck Archetypes and Strategies from 1993 to Today
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsDANC 10(W) STU Taiji Flow: Connecting to Nature and Self Through Meditative Movement
Taught by: Deborah Ourah
Catalog detailsENGL 19(W) SEM The Personal is Political: A Narrative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
Taught by: Julia Munemo
Catalog detailsENGL 24(W) SEM The Craft of Fiction: A Short Story Intensive
Taught by: Sara W Houghteling
Catalog detailsENGL 25(W) STU Artists' and Writers' Notebooks
Taught by: Lara Lee Meintjes
Catalog detailsENGL 34(W) SEM The Name is Bond, James Bond: Ian Fleming's Creation, Entertainment, and the Legacies of Empires
Taught by: Alexandar Mihailovic
Catalog detailsENGL 35(W) SEM Alternative Literatures
Taught by: Nick Greer
Catalog detailsGEOS 14(W) STU Drawing Science Studio Lab
Taught by: Lauren Rachel Levato Coyne
Catalog detailsLEAD 16(W) SEM Effective Oral Persuasion
Taught by: David Olson, Stephen Brown, Robert Alexander Schwed
Catalog detailsMATH 12(W) LEC The Mathematics of LEGO and Outreach Activities
Taught by: Steven Miller
Catalog detailsMATH 22(W) SEM Stoppard and Go: Interpretation and Scenework for Three of Tom Stoppard's Plays
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 11(W) STU I/O Festival of New Music
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 19(W) STU Williams Opera Workshop
Taught by: Paul La Rosa, Erin Casey
Catalog detailsMUS 24(W) LEC How to Grow a Band: Collaborative Writing and Performance with Darlingside
Taught by: Auyon Mukharji, Don Mitchell, Harris Paseltiner
Catalog detailsMUS 27(W) LEC Introduction to Middle Eastern Hand Drumming
Taught by: Rami El-Aasser
Catalog detailsMUS 50(W) LEC Musicianship and Wellness
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPHYS 12(W) STU Drawing as a Learnable Skill
Taught by: Stella Ehrich
Catalog detailsPSCI 15(W) LEC Climate Art & Activism
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsPSYC 10(W) STU Yoga, Creativity & Mindfulness
Taught by: Mary Edgerton
Catalog detailsPSYC 23(W) SEM What Comes Next? Critical Approaches to Life After College
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsTHEA 14(W) STU Intro to Storytelling
Taught by: Hari Stephen Kumar
Catalog detailsTHEA 22(W) STU A Filmmaker's Workshop
Taught by: Jessica Hecht
Catalog detailsTHEA 27(W) STU Performance with Purpose: Introduction to Applied Theatre
Taught by: Sarah Keyes
Catalog detailsWGSS 17(W) LEC When Drag Kings Sang the Blues: The Surprisingly Queer History of America's First Pop Stars
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsWSP 15(W) STU Bronze Casting
Taught by: Samantha Pasapane
Catalog details
Here are travel course application instructions.
BIOL 23(W) TVL Tropical Ecology: From the Andes to the Amazon basin
Taught by: Manuel Morales
Catalog detailsJAPN 25(W) TVL Exploring Kyoto Culture: Exploring 1200 years of Kyoto's Cultural History
Taught by: Shinko Kagaya
Catalog detailsMUS 26(W) TVL Songwriting in Nashville
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 28(W) TVL The Oxford Evensong Experience
Taught by: Anna Lenti, Tim Pyper
Catalog detailsRUSS 25(W) TVL Williams in Georgia
Taught by: Peter Orte, Jeni Legg
Catalog details
ANSO 15(W) SEM "It's a love story, baby, just say yes": Media, messages, and healthy relationships
Taught by: Meg Bossong
Catalog detailsARAB 14(W) STU Empowered Embodiment: An Introduction to Movement Improvisation
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsCCE 35(W) LEC Deconstructing Finance: An Introduction
Taught by: Henry Chafee Lee
Catalog detailsCCE 42(W) LEC Exploring Careers
Taught by: Janine Oliver, Dale Osef
Catalog detailsCCE 58(W) LEC Careers & Impact in Healthcare: Voices from Beyond the Purple Valley
Taught by: Sarah Weber
Catalog detailsCLIA 12(W) LEC "Be"ing Whole; integrating mindfulness through movement, art, nature, and creativity
Taught by: Amy Sosne
Catalog detailsCLIA 14(W) SEM Food Justice and the Righteous Entrepreneur
Taught by: Mike Curtin
Catalog detailsDANC 10(W) STU Taiji Flow: Connecting to Nature and Self Through Meditative Movement
Taught by: Deborah Ourah
Catalog detailsECON 24(W) LEC The Economics, Geography and Appreciation of Wine
Taught by: Peter Pedroni
Catalog detailsECON 36(W) SEM The Liberal Arts in Investing
Taught by: Jack Bissell
Catalog detailsLEAD 15(W) LEC Leadership and The Good Life: Your First Decade After Williams
Taught by: Lauren Anstey
Catalog detailsLEAD 17(W) SEM Mindful Leadership: what do we need now?
Taught by: Jamie Hunt
Catalog detailsMATH 14(W) LEC Flow Yoga
Taught by: Sylvia Logan
Catalog detailsMUS 11(W) STU I/O Festival of New Music
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsMUS 50(W) LEC Musicianship and Wellness
Taught by: TBA
Catalog detailsNSCI 10(W) SEM Neuroscience of Learning
Taught by: Judy Willis, Paul Sullivan Willis
Catalog detailsPHIL 12(W) STU Yoga: Meditation in Action
Taught by: Anne O'Connor
Catalog detailsPHLH 16(W) LEC Addiction Studies & Diagnostics
Taught by: Rick Berger
Catalog detailsPSCI 34(W) STU Jedi Training - Ethical Martial Arts for Scholar Athletes
Taught by: Robert Hormann Kent
Catalog detailsPSYC 10(W) STU Yoga, Creativity & Mindfulness
Taught by: Mary Edgerton
Catalog detailsWGSS 11(W) LEC Becoming an Informed Peer: Taking action on peer prevention, education, and facilitation to build a
Taught by: Laini Sporbert, Riley Kavanagh
Catalog detailsWSP 12(W) STU Yoga for Athletes
Taught by: Mary Edgerton
Catalog detailsWSP 32(W) SEM Making a Better Next Semester: Developing Your Academic Toolkit
Taught by: Nick Hanford
Catalog detailsWSP 41(W) STU Knitting for Mindfulness (Beginner)
Taught by: Ashley Weeks Cart
Catalog detailsWSP 43(W) STU Knitting for Mindfulness (Advanced)
Taught by: Ashley Weeks Cart
Catalog detailsWSP 55(W) SEM Home Economics: Living on your own
Taught by: Whit Montgomery-Nassif
Catalog detailsWSP 56(W) STU Thrive: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Music - Unlocking your full potential
Taught by: Ingrid Charlotte Samson
Catalog details